The Partnership

Working together for nature in Oxfordshire

Picture of two people walking the ridgeway trail in Oxfordshire

Our Objective

The Oxfordshire Local Nature Partnership (OLNP) is an organisation of key partners working together to radically enhance nature, its positive impact on our climate and the priority it is given, helping to make Oxfordshire a county where people and nature thrive.


Hear from Richard Benwell, Chair of the OLNP and CEO of Wildlife and Countryside Link, about how the partnership are helping nature to recover in Oxfordshire.

Focus Areas

These three key focus areas enable us to work together on projects that will make the biggest difference for nature and people in Oxfordshire.

Our Board

Our partnership harnesses the energy, enthusiasm and expertise of brilliant organisations across Oxfordshire. It has a strong collective voice that includes representatives from businesses, farming, Universities, landowners, local authorities, and environmental NGOs.

Photo of Richard Benwell - Chari

Richard Benwell

Oxfordshire Local Nature Partnership
Photo of Matt Whitney - partnership manager

Matt Whitney

Oxfordshire Local Nature Partnership
Photo of Prue Addision

Prue Addison

eNGO/ Vice Chair
Conservation Strategy Director -BBOWT

Jeremy Biggs

Environmental NGO representative
CEO of Freshwater Habitats Trust
Photo of Ian Boll

Ian Boll

Local Authority representative
Corporate Director - Cherwell District Council
Photo of Camilla Burrow

Camilla Burrow

Environmental NGO representative
Chief Executive - Wild Oxfordshire
Photo of Tim Coates

Tim Coates

Landowner representative
Director - North East Cotswold Farmer Cluster
Photo of Tom Curtis

Tom Curtis

Business representative
Partner - 3Keel
Photo of Michelle Leek

Michelle Leek

DEFRA Family - Team Leader
Natural England
photo of David Macdonald

David Macdonald

Universities representative
Founder Wild CRU (University of Oxford)
Photo of James Price

James Price

Farming representative
Farmer with DVH Price and Son
Photo of David Ruane

Cllr David Rouane

Local Authority representative
Leader - South Oxfordshire District Council
Photo of Rosie Rowe

Dr Rosie Rowe

Health sector representative
Healthy Placeshaping Lead - Oxfordshire County Council
Simon Smith photo

Simon Smith

National Landscape Body representative
Nature Recovery Lead for Cotswold National Landscape

Board meetings

Board meeting agendas and notes are published by South Oxfordshire District Council on behalf of the partnership. Details of previous board meetings including agendas, reports and meeting notes can be found here (this link opens on the South Oxfordshire District Council website).

Details of upcoming meetings can be found below:

Oxfordshire Local Nature Partnership - Wednesday, 13 March 2024 10.00 am (Hybrid - Didcot Cornerstone or Microsoft Teams)


The OLNP board is supported by the OLNP manager. Secretariat and communications support is provided from within the Partnership Services of the Local Authorities. A Forum of stakeholders from across the sector inputs into to the OLNP's priorities. You can see the OLNP's structure chart here:

organisation chart showing the structure of the Oxfordshire Local Nature Partnership

Our partners

The OLNP's work is made possible by the contributions of our fantastic partners who work across the county and beyond to help nature recover.

If you would like to get involved with our work, please get in touch.